Here you have all the information for traveling from Bilbao to Santander in Cantabria (Spain)

It is quite simple and quick to go from Bilbao (Basque Country) to Santander (Cantabria). Bilbao has a larger airport than Santander, with a wide range of flights, making it a popular entry point for tourists traveling from Europe to Santander and Cantabria.

What is the distance between Bilbao and Santander?

The straight-line distance between Bilbao and Santander is 75 kilometers. By road, this distance increases to 99 kilometers. Finally, the road distance between Bilbao Airport and Santander is almost 110 kilometers.

How to get from Bilbao Center to Santander Center

The best option for traveling from Bilbao to Santander is by bus.

The company with the most frequent service is ALSA, offering direct routes that take about 1 hour and 15 minutes, and routes with stops (usually in Castro Urdiales and Laredo) that take up to 1 hour and 45 minutes. ALSA buses are available from early morning with a frequency of approximately 30 minutes until late at night. The price is less than 8 euros per person per trip. Buses depart from Bilbao Intermodal and arrive at the Santander Bus Station.

There is also the option of traveling by FEVE-RENFE train, but it is not recommended as the journey takes over 3 hours.

Finally, there is the option of using BlaBlaCar, with prices starting from around 7 euros per person per trip, or taking a taxi/Uber, which costs more than 100 euros.

How to get from Bilbao Airport to Santander

There is no direct transportation from Bilbao Airport to Santander. You need to first go from Bilbao Airport to the Bilbao Intermodal Bus Station and follow the instructions provided in the previous section.

To get from Bilbao Airport to the “Bilbao Intermodal” bus station, you should take a local bus (A3247) which costs around 3 euros.

How to get from Bilbao to Somo

If you’re a surf fan, you can get from Bilbao to Somo using our guide. Your first step is to reach the center of Santander as we previously explained, and from there, use our guide: “How to get from Santander to Somo

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